Shopify Website Conversion Rate Optimization

Shopify Website Conversion Rate Optimization Service

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Your conversion rate is an important statistic. It tells you how many conversions you make out of the total number of visitors that come to your site. A higher conversion rate = higher sales. We help you optimize your conversion rates, turning the traffic on your website into sales.

Conversions aren't always just sales on your Shopify website, however. Conversions can also be, but are not limited to:

  • App downloads 
  • Referring a friend 
  • Calling your business 
  • Chatting 
  • Subscribing to additional information

How do we help?

We start by analyzing the type of website traffic you’re currently getting. We look at:

  • Where your Shopify website traffic is coming from 
  • What types of conversions you’re achieving 
  • What types of conversions you’re not achieving that you want 

How do we do it?

Based on a consultation with us to evaluate the wants and needs of your business, we’ll create a plan to optimize your landing page. We discover where your customers are failing to move forward in the sales process and we create solutions, testing them until we find the best ones to increase your conversion rates.

Each plan is custom fit to meet the personal goals of your business. Each business is different, and that is why we get to know you and the audience you wish to sell to. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how we can help you optimize your site.

Contact us, let us help you convert like a pro!